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Butterflies all over and happiness gets overloaded; such feeling comes to the moment when we unpacked our newly arrived scooter(s).

Can't wait to give your new scooter a go and better at the max speed--20 km/h-- to harness the wind?

How wonderful!

But wait a minute, before you rush out for your first ride, Varla here has sourced some tips for you to guarantee your riding safety.



Before You Go 

  1. Safety Checks
  2. Wear A Helmet
  3. Wear Protective Gear
  4. Make Sure You Are Comfortable


1. Safety Checks 

First, check the braking performance.

There should be no debris on the brake rotor, and make sure that no noise can be heard when rotating.


Second, check the air pressure, make sure it’s well pumped.

Too low or too high air pressure can easily lead to a flat tire. To Take Varla’s scooter tires as an example, the maximum tire pressure is 50 PSI. Before traveling, check that the pressure is within the range of 35-45 PSI.


Third, check that the headlights and taillights can work normally.

Press and hold the Mode button for 3 seconds to turn on the headlights; when you pull the brakes and the taillights flash.



2.  Wear A Helmet

Always wear a helmet!

Always wear a Helmet!

Always wear a HELMET.

Since our Eagle One scooters' speed can reach up to 20 km/h, we recommend electric bicycles or motorcycle helmets as your first option. For those e-bike helmets meeting the Dutch NTA-8776 e-bike standard is required or the Snell M-2005, Snell M-2010, or DOT FMVSS-218 standard when it comes to a motorcycle helmet.

And remember to choose a helmet that suits your head for a safe and sound protection. Don't forget to position your helmet so that it sits level on your head and doesn’t tip forward or tilt backward like a bonnet and expose your entire forehead



3. Wear Protective Gear

It is a natural urge to play your new scooter at its top speed to explore more of its potential. But still, safety goes first, and pay attention to that. We prioritize the safety issue, considering Eagle one is a big power scooter, going up to 20 km/h.

It's a great idea to wear protective gear, such as wrist pads, elbow pads, and knee pads. Once you fall, they will protect your palm or joints as much as possible.

Varla put our customers’ safety as our top priority, and we have prepared a set of protective gear, worth €69, as a gift for each order placed customer. So check it out the moment you opened your scooter package.




4. Make Sure You Are Comfortable

First, It is also a good choice to take the subway or bus occasionally if today is not the day for you to enjoy your scooter riding.

Like you stay up too late and need to get up early for work, and thus we recommend you to take public transport as an alternative to save your energy to your work time. 

Second, wear suitable riding clothes. Your ability to focus on the road while driving long-distance will depend on how comfortable you are. It allows you to drive the scooter flexibly, especially for you to make an emergency response at high speed.



Now that you know how to prepare yourself before your first ride, time to get going with Varla Scooter.


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